So today I went to see Susan, a very agile 72 year old lady who really puts me to shame. She's never driven (I don't drive either) so has spent her whole life getting to places by foot or by bus (and so do I, but it hasn't given me the Su-Factor). And she is strong. She brought two bagfuls of china to me which filled up both my bike panniers and made me cycle from side to side like I was drunk. But she carried them from her home, on the bus and to the place where she works without complaining and then sat cross-legged on the floor and told me she felt a bit tired from the 4 mile hike she did yesterday. Ok, she might have been bragging a bit, but if I was her, I would too! Anyway, here is what she sold me.
This is a Foley trio that used to belong to her Grandmother who died in 1950 at the age of 82. Apparently her grandmother got these in 1908 when she married a man who already had children. Not sure why that is important but Susan told me it as if it were significant. It's a beautiful set, I have ten. They're a bit pricey because although Susan wanted to sell them, she was attached to them sentimentally and wants them to go to a good home. Click on the link below to find out more.